In our previous blog, 6 Warning Signs Of Sketchy HVAC Contractors, we went over some common red flags to watch out for. Click on over there if you would like to learn more about warning signs like: poor customer service, being unprepared, replacing parts that don’t need replacement, dishonesty, no reviews, and being secretive about rates and timeframes.
If you already know about all that, continue reading for more warning signs of sketchy HVAC contractors. We here at R & D Heating And Air are passionate about ensuring that each and every one of our clients receive top-tier service. We would never want you to feel cheated or unheard. If you’ve been dealing with the above issues or the ones below, please don’t hesitate to contact us for trustworthy HVAC services in and around the Ogden, UT area.

That being said, here are more warning signs of sketchy HVAC contractors to keep a wary eye out for.
#1. Poor Ventilation Even After Repairs
If you’re still struggling with your ventilation even after having called the HVAC company to come out and take a look at it, this could be a warning sign that the contractor may be cutting corners.
#2. Estimating Or Skipping Measurements
Your HVAC contractor should take measurements before doing any repairs or replacements. These are needed to ensure a good job. If they just estimate, they are being careless or lazy. Your HVAC contractor should never approximate, but should be careful to take measurements.
#3. Ignoring The Root Issue/Main Reason Why You Called Them
You should be able to trust your HVAC contractor to actually address the issue that you contacted them for. They shouldn’t focus on something else while ignoring the reason why you called them out in the first place, the same way you wouldn’t want a chiropractor focusing on mold tests when you went to see them for your shoulder pain.
Several small issues can all be because of one primary problem. Your trustworthy HVAC contractor should find the root cause, rather than just dealing with issues one at a time. They should be able to recognize when something is likely an indicator of a larger issue and when it is not.
#4. They Don’t Fix The Problem
This ties directly into the above point, with how problems may stem from a common source, and if the source isn’t fixed, the problem will likely pop up again. You should be able to trust your HVAC contractor to actually fix the issue that you’re having with your system.

Bear in mind with this, though, that depending on the issue, your HVAC contractor may not be able to fix it right away. They might need to order special parts or come back another day. However, if something like this does occur, they should clearly communicate with you what the problem is, why they can’t fix it right away, and what your options are for fixing it.
This is another area when it can get tricky, because if the contractor claims to need to come back 3-4+ times, they could very well be fleecing you for money. You should expect clear communication and prompt, professional service.
#5. They Don’t Identify The Problem
This goes hand in hand with the above issue. While sometimes, there can be tricky issues, your technician should be able to identify what is going on. If they can’t, this shows a lack of knowledge and experience.
#6. They Don’t Get Your Approval Before Doing Work
Your HVAC contractor should communicate clearly with you through every step of the process. If something will involve more work or they find issues, they should tell you before doing anything. They shouldn’t just go ahead and work on it themselves without letting you know.
Before doing anything other than what they initially came out to do, your HVAC contractor should tell you about what’s going on and what your options are. If you can’t afford a fix right now, this gives you the chance to schedule it for another time.

It’s also important for your HVAC contractor to consult with you before doing anything because you could have multiple options available for how to proceed with an issue. Plus, you want to know what’s going on with your HVAC system.
Trustworthy HVAC Services In Northern Utah
R & D Heating And Air is here to ensure that you receive the trustworthy HVAC services you need to keep your home comfortable all year round. Contact us today to learn more about our HVAC services.